Become customer

You are driving an electric car (or would like to buy one)?

You are a private or a fleet manager?

You are travelling long distances?

The commercialization is planned for 2024 onwards and we will carry out pilots in the meantime.

Contact us to indicate your interest and obtain further information.


Service rates:

Grand VoyageurVoyageur
Vehicle equipment600€600€
1-day rental10€15€
kWh used from the Tender0,45€ /kWh0,70€ /kWh
Tender swap5€5€

Example of a trip between Paris and St Malo for a frequent user:

420 km with a Renault ZOE 40kWh without charging during the trip.

Renting rate: 29.8 €
10 € (1 day rental)
+ 19.8 € (44kWh used from the Tender)